The Secret to Joy

If you search “the secret to happiness” on Google, you’ll be overwhelmed with results. Pretty much everyone has something to say on how to get what everyone wants: Happiness.

It’s not much of a surprise; we all want happiness, right? Many of us grew up reading fairy tales that ended with “and they lived happily ever after”. Who wouldn’t want that–to be happy forever?

And there’s the problem. Happiness doesn’t last forever. More often, it lasts for only a moment. Have you ever been on top of the world one minute and incredibly depressed the next? All it takes is some bad news, or for someone in a bad mood to barge in. Even a mood swing can sweep away happiness in a second.

joyHere’s the good news: There’s something better than happiness. Joy. Joy is so much deeper than happiness, and joy lasts. While happiness evaporates during hard times, joy holds its ground. That’s because joy isn’t found in your situation. Joy is found in your relationship with God.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13)

God wants to fill with you joy. And there’s no well-kept “secret” to it! Just experience Him. Get to know Him better. And when the hard times come, your joy will remain because you know that your God is stronger and greater than your situation; you will find your joy in Him.

If you have no joy, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.

-Billy Sunday


8 thoughts on “The Secret to Joy

    • Thanks, and amen! The quote made me smile, but it’s very true; Christianity isn’t supposed to be some boring religion. It should be an exciting, joy-filled relationship! If it isn’t, there must be something missing.


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