This is for the Little Guys


WordPress (Photo credit: Adriano Gasparri)

A few days ago WordPress posted an article titled the following: The WordPress Bestseller List. It’s basically a compilation of bestselling authors who use WordPress–and, might I add, the list was pretty impressive. Seeing all those names makes me wonder, could that ever be me? Might I ever have hundreds of thousands (dare I say millions?) of followers and receive hundreds of comments on every post? The answer, most likely, is no, and I accept that. However, the thoughts are still there. And who doesn’t have thoughts like that from time to time? The rich, the famous, the people whose lives simply turned out “better” than ours–it’s easy to wish that we were in their position.

And as we begin to lose ourselves in counting the blessings of others, we quickly forget our own. Most of us are not destined to be rich or famous (though some are), but God does have a plan for us. I can assure you, His plan is better than anything we could come up with on our own.

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