
Fear is a well-known word. But the thing is, there are times when we simply aren’t afraid. Why is that? We usually aren’t afraid during the day, when everything is bathed in sunlight. We usually aren’t afraid when our parents (especially our dad) are with us. And we usually aren’t afraid when we’re surrounded by people we know well and trust. These are only a couple examples, but let me compare them to a few things:

1. Psalm 119:105 (NIV) says, “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” God is like the sun. He bathes our path in light, like a lantern, so we don’t stumble in the darkness. How can we be afraid when God is lighting our path?

2. Have you ever heard people refer to God as our “heavenly Father”? You might have done so yourself. In Matthew 6:9, Jesus begins His prayer by saying, “Our Father in heaven”. He said “our”, not “my”. God is our Father; we are His children. God is always with us; we will always be safe with Him.

3. Have you ever said, “I don’t trust God?” We may have thought that from time to time, but thing is, we can trust Him with anything. He is more trustworthy than your parents, more trustworthy than your closest friend. We are perfectly safe with Him!

Once we are saved, God is always with is; He lives within us, in fact. God is more than everything that makes us feel safe. Next time you feel scared, remember: God is with you! There is nothing to be afraid of.


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