The Years Pass By So Quickly…

Okay, I see how it’s strange for a teenager to write a post titled like that…but it’s true. And I’ve been reminded of it in so many ways lately. For example, it’s almost Father’s Day, and yet it feels like it was Father’s Day just yesterday, not last year! Sunday is also my birthday; it feels like this past year has just flown by. And on top of all of that, my grandfather is in the hospital. On Wednesday, the doctors said he probably only had a couple more days to live. So here’s the question: Am I living my life to glorify God? Or will I one day look back and wish I’d done more?

Keep reading The Years Pass By So Quickly…

A Lamp For Our Feet

Have you ever read the Bible passage:

“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

You may have read it from different versions, but it all means the same thing: the Bible can guide us through dark times–we need not fear of stumbling over hidden obstacles!

Now, when you think of that passage, the first thing that would probably come to mind is walking through a dark cave with a lamp to keep you from falling. However, I also think of a different, and–in my opinion–more powerful example:

Imagine you’re on a boat. It’s a long time ago, so you don’t have any lights on your boat, aside from a few lanterns. And in the pitch black of a new moon, your lanterns hardly make a circle of light large enough for you to see your fellow shipmates’ faces, so it obviously does no good when it comes to guiding the ship through the dark night. You and your friends have heard of the treacherous rocks that lay on the coast here. You know that it would take a miracle to land the boat without hitting a jagged rock and smashing your relatively small boat to bits. What can you do?

Suddenly, through the darkness comes a glorious beacon of light. It’s a lighthouse! You and your shipmates had not known there was one here, and are all incredibly grateful. The light shines just in time for your captain to avoid a looming boulder. With the help of the light, you land safely on shore and rejoice that you have made it to dry ground.

God’s Word is like a lighthouse. All of us come upon troubled time, some more often than others. But there is one solution for all of us–the Bible. If you take fifteen minutes of your time a day to read your Bible, it will greatly improve your life and help you overcome obstacles. In many countries, Bibles have to be smuggled in, for they are illegal. How blessed we are that we can purchase and read Bibles freely! If you don’t have a Bible, there are many online sites where you can read God’s Word. As I said in a recent post, I suggest It has an easy to use search system, and you can access many different versions (NIV, NLT, NKJV, etc.) and translations.

The Bible is a precious gift from above. I challenge you to read it daily; your life will be enriched!


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Dealing With Anger

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