Facebook: Greatest Thing Ever or Great Waste of Time?

reverendFacebook is a weird topic for me. I have trouble settling on an opinion and sticking with it.

This week’s weekly writing challenge: Is Facebook is the most amazing thing ever or does it compromise our privacy?

Though I’ve read some articles on it, I honestly can’t say whether Facebook taking away our privacy, so I changed the question to one that suited my line of thought a little more. Greatest thing ever or great waste of time?

There have been times when I’ve desperately wanted a Facebook account, which must sound pretty silly. After all, Facebook is free–how incredibly easy is it to set up an account and get going. Plus, I could use it; I have out-of-state friends and Facebook would make it a lot easier to get in touch with them.

Still, the fact that I wanted it so badly bothered me. I’m not very good at managing my time. I just know that if I had a Facebook account, I would be the kind of person that checks it a million times a day. For me, Facebook would become both the greatest thing ever and a great waste of time.

facebook like button

facebook like button (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

If I ever learn how to manage my time, maybe that will be the time for me to make an account. I envy those who are already excellent time-managers (such as my mom!). And if Facebook ever became less important to me, I could get an account and not worry about wasting all of my time on it. Until then, though, I think I’ll just have to live without it. 😉

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the topic. Who knows, I may have a different opinion by next month! Haha, just kidding, I’ll try to stick with it this time.

What are your thoughts on it? Is Facebook utterly amazing? A waste of time? A privacy-killer? I’d love to hear from you!