Be Still, a poem

Take a breath

Don’t go too fast

Or you’ll miss the things

That really last

God is calling

Every day

“Be still, renewed,

In My embrace”

But in the buzz

Of our busy lives

We fail to hear

That still, small cry

We look for peace

For thrills, for love

In the world around us

But not above

So look up, be still

And see His face

Fall into the arms

Of amazing grace

Breathe in His peace

Breathe out His love

Be still in the presence

Of our Father above

Be still, and know that I am God….

(Psalm 46:10a)

Be still in His presence today, and know that you are loved!


15 thoughts on “Be Still, a poem

  1. You have such a powerful writing gift Christrocks! This poem is a superb testament to the peace and perspective God brings when we take the time to just be still and focus on him…. A great piece, with lots of rhythm and ‘momentum’. Nice work!


  2. Christy, thank you. That was so refreshing, just sitting here absorbing the poem and the stillness of the Lord. Wonderful.


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