Goal Thirty-nine:

Goal thirty-nine:

How much do we think about God? If I asked you the last time you read your Bible, would you be able to tell me? It hurts God when we draw apart from him. What he wants with us is a heart-to-heart relationship. The kind of relationship where you could tell Him everything and anything. Here, you might say, “Well, God already knows everything about me; why do I have to tell him stuff?” This is very true, but you can see the difference between simply knowing something, and being told something. For example, you know your family loves you, but doesn’t it mean more when they actually say the words than simply knowing the fact? It’s the same for God. When we share things with Him, when we tell Him we love Him, He’s touched. He’ll talk back to you–not audibly, but maybe it’ll be through reading his Word and discovering something you’d never seen before, or a sermon that answered a question you’d been losing sleep over. God is there; He’s real, and He wants to be with you. All you have to do is go to Him.


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