Follow Me, a poem

Mountain trail

Follow Me, I’ll be your Guide

Through valley floors and mountainsides.

When life is up, I’m there, you know,

But when things are down, you’re still not alone.

Life will pull you left and right,

Leave you wounded, but deep inside

I’ll heal your wounds and mend your scars

And leave you stronger after all.

And when the path is hard to see,

Just hold my hand and follow Me.

You might stumble and you might fall,

But I’ll lift you up, and you’ll stand tall.

When you’re weary and can’t decide

Which path to take–which one is right?

I’ll light your path, if you take heed.

Just listen well and follow Me.

If you stay close by my side,

I will not promise an easy ride.

Instead, a path to better things,

And to the joy that I will bring.

While on the journey you will not see

What is to come and what will be.

But when you reach the other side,

You’ll see all that I had in mind.

 So if you’re willing to trust my plan,

To finish the story that I began,

Take the plunge, be all you can be,

Take my hand, and follow Me.


The Blank Screen of Life

I haven’t written in a while. I hate to do this,  but sometimes a few days in between posts suddenly becomes a few weeks. I’ve convinced myself to start blogging again, to sit down and just get back into it.

baby and laptopThe problem is? I’ve got nothing.

When I first sat down at the computer, I stared at the blank screen for a few minutes before I started writing. Halfway through, I didn’t like where it was going, and I started over.

Second blank screen. Started writing. Didn’t like it. Started over.

So now I am on my third, not-so blank screen. But don’t worry, I am getting to a point.

Does life ever feel like a blank screen? It may seem like I’m grasping at straws, trying to think of something to write about, but really–think about it. A lot of times in life, we come to a point where we feel like we’re sitting in front of a blank screen. Maybe something that happened in the past has given us a little direction, but for the most part, we’re facing a lot of uncertainty.

As you sit there, maybe you have a brilliant idea and just like that, you know what to do. Most likely, you sit there, write a few words and then delete them, and finally close the computer and walk away because you don’t even want to think about it anymore.

The main difference between the writer facing the blank page and you facing your unknown future? The writer sits and waits for creativity. For inspiration. And when he gets it, he writes, edits, and hits publish (that is, if said writer is a blogger). After that, his job is done; no more worries until it’s time to write the next article.

For us, sure, we can wait for creativity or inspiration if we want. But if that’s the path we take, we’re relying on our own wisdom. We’re saying, “What do I want to do with my future?”and we go from there.

I don’t know about you, but if I were to plan out my future, it wouldn’t go to well. I might have a plan that I think is good, but I don’t know what the future will bring. Unknown twists and turns could quickly bring my plan crashing to the ground. Instead, why don’t I ask the One who knows all the turns that are ahead, who sees where my plan will fail, and already has an ultimate plan that will, in the end, be better than anything I could imagine?

We’re often unsure about asking God to guide our path, but He knows your heart and your desires. He knows the path that will bring you to a place where you can truly live your fullest. The thing is, we aren’t going to see the road map. We have to trust God to be our Guide, even if we don’t know where it might lead. Trust can be a scary thing at times, but once we learn to put our life completely in His hands, we’ll see that there is no better place to be.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Going Nowhere Fast

reverendMost people like to be independent. We don’t like being told what to do or how to do it, and we often don’t like it when we need help to do something. We’re stuck in this “I can do it myself” mentality. Being able to accept help, instruction, and correction from others is an excellent trait, but I’d like to look beyond that at another problem.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)

Keep reading Going Nowhere Fast

He Died For You

English: Easter Cross Easter Cross at night, O...

English: Easter Cross Easter Cross at night, Otley Chevin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A lot of people have a hard time with the idea of giving God control of our life. We have big plans for our future, and we don’t want God to mess it up.

Sounds kind of weird when you say it out loud, right?

Keep reading He Died For You

This is for the Little Guys


WordPress (Photo credit: Adriano Gasparri)

A few days ago WordPress posted an article titled the following: The WordPress Bestseller List. It’s basically a compilation of bestselling authors who use WordPress–and, might I add, the list was pretty impressive. Seeing all those names makes me wonder, could that ever be me? Might I ever have hundreds of thousands (dare I say millions?) of followers and receive hundreds of comments on every post? The answer, most likely, is no, and I accept that. However, the thoughts are still there. And who doesn’t have thoughts like that from time to time? The rich, the famous, the people whose lives simply turned out “better” than ours–it’s easy to wish that we were in their position.

And as we begin to lose ourselves in counting the blessings of others, we quickly forget our own. Most of us are not destined to be rich or famous (though some are), but God does have a plan for us. I can assure you, His plan is better than anything we could come up with on our own.

Keep reading This is for the Little Guys

The Years Pass By So Quickly…

Okay, I see how it’s strange for a teenager to write a post titled like that…but it’s true. And I’ve been reminded of it in so many ways lately. For example, it’s almost Father’s Day, and yet it feels like it was Father’s Day just yesterday, not last year! Sunday is also my birthday; it feels like this past year has just flown by. And on top of all of that, my grandfather is in the hospital. On Wednesday, the doctors said he probably only had a couple more days to live. So here’s the question: Am I living my life to glorify God? Or will I one day look back and wish I’d done more?

Keep reading The Years Pass By So Quickly…

God Speaks

God speaks in many ways. Sometimes it’s obvious. You can tell that God has spoken to you through something that has happened or something someone has said. Maybe it answered a question you had, or maybe God just needed to tell you something, to direct you onto the right path.

God does things that surprise us sometimes, something totally unexpected. It may be an obviously good thing, a blessing. It may be something that doesn’t seem good at the time, but we need to understand that God has a divine plan. Whatever He does, He does for our good, for our benefit. Sometimes our minds can’t see how something can be good for us at the time, but there will be a day when we look back and understand. Maybe we won’t understand until we get to heaven. But we need to trust God, knowing that He always does what it best for us.

God speaks! Listen.


Must Reads:

Goal Forty-four:

Goal forty-four:

Believe it or not, sometimes we fall for that horrible lie. What lie is that? That we are insignificant creatures, meaningless dots on the time line–not even dots! But that is so far from the truth!!! In God’s eyes, we are special/wonderful/His. If God thinks we are special, who can argue? People may tell you that you’re going to live and die, and the world won’t know the difference. If you choose to follow that path, that certainly can be true. But it’s not the path God has set out for you. It’s like having clear directions but when we’re told to turn right, we turn left; when we’re told we’ve reached our destination, we keep on going. But who would do that?! Isn’t the entire goal to reach the destination? God has an amazing destination for you, and He has given you the directions. Though they may not always be clear, if you go to Him and ask Him which way to go, He will help you find your way. God has great plans for your life! Just block out those lies and let Him lead.