
Welcome to The Teen Theme.

Allow me to ask you a question. Is God moving in your life? Is He calling you to be different, to be set apart? Truth is, He’s calling all of us to do just that.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2, NLT)

God is calling you to be a new person. Someone who doesn’t follow the crowd. Someone who wants to stand out, who wants to live for God, who wants to be a light to the rest of the world.

Through this blog, I want to encourage you. I don’t know anything about you, but I do know that like you, I’ve been called by God to be different. To be His witness to the world.

me :)

I’m a teenage girl living somewhere on the Gulf Coast. I love music, writing, my family and friends, and my cats. Most importantly, I love God. I want to follow his calling to be transformed! What about you?

Welcome to The Teen Theme, and God bless you!


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48 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello, I must say I was astonished to find another blog by a Christian teen writer, there aren’t many of us out there. I quickly clicked the follow button, and can’t wait to see what else you have to offer 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Rubix! While unfortunately I’ve been too busy to write lately (something I’m trying to fix), I’m so happy that you stopped by! If you’re interested, you should check out a website called http://www.therebelution.com. It not only has awesome articles geared toward Christian teens, but there’s a great community there, and quite a few of them are also bloggers!
      In the mean time, you’ve rather inspired me to get writing again! Thank you again for stopping by!
      God bless,

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes- certainly. I believe that, despite being barely into my teen years, God is speaking to me more and more often lately- for instance, leading me to your blog. That’s right: lead!!!
    In fourth grade, my teacher told our class about an aneurysm she had. No doctors would be freed to treat it for a long time- and she would be dead by the next day. Well, after she got that news, she had a feeling I’ve taken to calling Extreme Peace: a feeling of deep contentment, and reassurance. Soon after, she got the news that a doctor had been freed, and he saved her life.
    In fifth grade, I felt it. I may have forgotten the story, but that didn’t stop it from being brought on! At the time I thought I’d get to sponsor a child, but as time went on, it was apparent that that would not happen. Now, I believe, He means more for me- overseas missions? I don’t know. Well, ever since I remembered that a few weeks ago, it has been more and more often that I believe He has spoken.
    I am still freaking out!
    Your friend and sister in Christ,


    • What an awesome story, thank you for sharing it! God can truly provide peace that surpasses our understanding.
      It is an incredible thing to feel that you’ve been called by God. 🙂 The important thing is to trust that He will guide your path. Remember, all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose!
      God bless you!


  3. It is absolutely fantastic that you are taking a public stand as a Christian in your teens, especially as a woman. Who knows where your faith and boldness will take you. I appreciate that you’re approachable and upbeat about your beliefs– people want to have conversations with Christians who will care about them as an individual and allow a back and forth discussion rather than being hit over the head with the Gospel.

    There will be times in this life that you are attacked, sometimes viciously, for sticking to your faith, but always remember that ultimately we need to care what God thinks about us more than what other people think about us. In the end we answer to Him, not them. I’ll bet I’m preaching to the choir, but that line of thought has gotten me through some very, very dark times in which I’ve been alienated and insulted for sticking to my guns.

    You go girl!


    • Thank you so much for your encouragement! To be honest, it’s pretty easy to be bold about your faith online, but I am trying to reflect that in my life as well.
      And you’re right; being a Christian and standing up for your faith usually isn’t easy, but we didn’t become Christians because it was the easy thing to do. We are Christians because of the love Christ demonstrated for us on the cross!
      Thanks again and God bless!


  4. Well this is rather odd that I should find something like this. Very odd indeed…well….anyways from what I’m reading your Blog really seems to be amazing. (I waiting to find time to review your music section) But what really surprised me is that you attend Calvary Chapel which is funny since I go to one as well. But to end on a note keep up the good work.
    1 Timothy 6:12 [KJV] (Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.)


  5. Hey, I have nominated you for the Liebster award for the youthful inspiration and Godly truth you share on your blog! Check out my blog to learn more about it. I look forward to your responses to the questions and learning more about you 🙂


  6. God Bless you too TTT! I am the father of a fourteen year old girl, and I pray for her daily to have a heart and desire for Christ. We do a weekly email devotion blogs, I will be sure to be sending her your way.

    If you don’t mind, was there a defining moment in your life that fueled your fire for Christ? Do you think your parents did certain things that really helped you live for Christ so much? Sorry to pry, just curious if there are ways I can be a better dad.

    Thanks for your heart and your ministry!

    Many Blessings!


    • Hello, thanks for stopping by! You aren’t prying at all. 🙂 I can’t really think of a defining moment. I think most of the cause behind my love for Christ is being able to follow my parent’s example in their love for Him. I’ve also had a lot of great friendships with fellow Christians that have continually built up my faith.
      Have you or your daughter ever heard of The Rebelution? It’s a movement that’s focused on helping teens overcome low expectations, and reading their book (“Do Hard Things”) is what inspired me to start blogging. You can check out their website here: http://www.therebelution.com/
      God bless!


      • Cool, and thank you for sharing some of your story!

        I have not heard of that but it sounds really informative. Im going to show her this sight. Thank You for sharing it.

        God Bless you on your journey my young friend.


  7. Hello…thank you for liking one or more of the posts on my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has encouraged you. Please continue check in on us from time to time and follow if you will. Thank you again and remember to have Faith 1st.


  8. Great blog, and good for you for blogging about what you believe in! We teens definitely have to change that bad reputation… 😀


  9. Your blog looks wonderful, and what a unique and inspiring purpose you have in encouraging fellow teens in their walk. Well done and keep on producing such great stuff!


  10. You have a great blog!! I remember meeting you on Howrse last year and I just found this again somewhere on my computer – so glad I did. I’ve read like a ton of your posts, haha.


  11. Pingback: What Did They Say Wednesday – “About Me” by TTT « The Youth Rebellion
  12. I love your blog. Thank you for posting it. I might like to re-post it on our “What Did They Say Wednesdays”. The day we feature a blog written by another writer. You are talking about what our blog site is all about. I would give you credit and a link back to your blog. Would this be ok? Let me know.


  13. I am loving the heart you have to put your ideas into print. Hope you will continue to encourage others and honor God with your goals, quizzes and any other insights the Lord puts on your heart.


    • You really think so? You don’t know how much that means to me! I’ve actually read their book and taken a look at their site. Personally, I don’t think I compare at all, but it means a lot to me that you do!


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