Never Alone

I was reading my last post, When Troubles Seem Unbearable. 1 Corinthians 10:13 caught my eye once again. It says:

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

“No temptation…except what is common to mankind.” This entire verse is amazing, but I was thinking about this part again, and about how often we tend to think we’re the only one that goes through these things. Well, my readers (that means you!) have really shown me in a tangible way how we do deal with the same things. Let’s take a look.

WordPress has some neat ways of looking at statistics. I like looking at the search engine terms that lead people to my site. There are hundreds of different terms, but I noticed that there are several that get searched repeatedly. And sometimes I’ll stop and think, “Hey, these people searched this because they want to know how to deal with this problem; they went through this just like me.” I’d like to share some of them with you. Maybe you won’t find something in common with all of them, but you might find some that are familiar.

  • The importance of prayer. This is the most common search term on TTT. I think I’ve always known why prayer is so important. It’s like talking to God. Sharing things with Him, asking Him when we need something, and thanking Him for everything He’s done. But what happens if we don’t pray? Imagine if you had a very good friend, and you suddenly decided to cut off all communication with them. The friendship would deteriorate, if not fall apart completely. If we stop spending time in prayer with God, our relationship with Him will suffer. Prayer is very important.
  • Words of encouragement for teens. Troubles do come, in many forms. And sometimes, we just really need an encouraging word. You may be going to your family or friends for encouragement. It can be frustrating if we don’t find the encouraging words we were hoping for. But you need to start by being an example, and taking the first step to encourage those around you. Remember, you can’t change anyone else; you can only change yourself. And whenever you do need someone to encourage you, know that God is there for you, and you can go to Him any time, any place.
  • Obeying authority. Perhaps one of the hardest things we find ourselves dealing with as teenagers is obeying authority. It’s important to remember to respect our parents and other figures of authority, but we should, first and foremost, obey God.
  • Struggling friendships. No one is perfect, and because of that all relationships go through difficult times at some point or another. The important thing is to work through the problems and come out of them having a stronger and closer friendship than before.

So, while it’s great knowing that we’re not the only ones that go through problems in life, there’s more good news. God is with you during those hard times, and He will never leave your side. You are never alone.



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